Emotional Abuse...

What is Emotional abuse...

Emotional Abuse & Intimidation

Emotional abuse is any behavior that exploits another’s vulnerability, insecurity, or character. Such behaviours include continuous degradation, intimidation, manipulation, brainwashing, or control of another:

  • Insulting or criticizing to undermine the victim’s self-confidence. This includes public humiliation, as well as actual or threatened rejection.

  • Threatening or accusing, either directly or indirectly, with intention to cause emotional or physical harm or loss. For instance, threatening to kill the victim or himself, or both.

  • Using reality distorting statements or behaviours that create confusion and insecurity in the victim like saying one thing and doing another, stating untrue facts as truth, and neglecting to follow through on stated intentions. This can include denying the abuse occurred and/or telling the victim she is making up the abuse.

  • Consistently disregarding, ignoring, or neglecting the victim’s requests and needs.

  • Using actions, statements or gestures that attack the victim’s self-esteem and self-worth with the intention to humiliate.

  • Telling the victim that she is mentally unstable or incompetent.

  • Forcing the victim to take drugs or alcohol.

  • Not allowing the victim to practice her religious beliefs, isolating her from the religious community, or using religion as an excuse for abuse.

  • Using any form of coercion or manipulation which is disempowering to the victim.

Any form of abuse is abuse, and it is time for us as a society to start standing together, and stop turning away, and pretending that it is not going on.  There is abuse all around us, some woman are better than others to hide the abuse.  They feel that they deserve it somehow. 

You don't deserve to be abused, not today and certainly not tomorrow.  Stand up for yourself, seems to be the fist step than anyone could take to move forward and away from the abuser.  I am going to touch base on some of the topics and others which I will go into in more depth.

This has been an interesting find, since there is not many people who really understand abuse.

God Bless You and Keep You....

All my love,


